Beltsville Vicinity Shoppers, Vent Your Spleens!
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Friday, August 03, 2007

This is What Happens When You Take the "C" Out of "KFC"

This one, ladies and gents, is such an example of a complete and utter failure to communicate or use the common sense that God gave a chicken strip that I've abandoned the usual structure of my entries and will just give it to you straight free-form. Can we just chalk this one up to comic relief?

The place is the KFC on Rte. 1 in Beltsville, MD. The date was yesterday, 8/2/07, around 5:30 p.m. The following is the paraphrased conversation that took place between my wife (Mrs. Vent) and what had to be the "special" order taker on the other end of the drive-thru intercom connection:

KFC: Hello and welcome to KFC. May I take your order, please?

Wife: Give me one moment please while I decide.

KFC: Ok, take your time...

KFC (one minute later): Are you ready to order now?
Wife: One second.
KFC: Ok.

Wife: Ok, I'm ready. I'd like 12 pieces of chicken...
KFC: It'll be a 20 minute wait for chicken. We don't have any chicken.
Wife: Excuse me? Could you repeat that?
KFC: We don't have any chicken; it'll be 20 minutes.
Wife: You don't have any chicken?
KFC: No.
Wife: So what do you have?
KFC: We have side orders and drinks.
Wife: Oh. Ok. Thanks, but never mind.

**Crickets chirping...Mouth agape in complete disbelief...Scanning parking lot for Punk'd or Jamie Kennedy Experiment cameras.Yeah, exactly. Off to Wendy's.**
This one is so altogether inane that I think I'll just leave it right there. I'm not even gonna fax it to them for comment like I normally do before posting a story. I mean, what could they say?


  • LOL...LOL...LOL... AMAZING! THANK YOU... I'm still laughing. But, you can't blame that order taker...I'm sure he'd have opted to close if he could...or maybe but put a sign up saying NO CHICKEN UNTIL (whatever time) BUT WE'VE GOT PLENTY OF SIDES! lol.

    By Blogger JustMeWriting, at August 06, 2007 11:05 AM  

  • Yeah, JMW, this incident (the fact that the first thing out of the order-taker's mouth wasn't, "Welcome to KF...I need to inform you that there's a 20 minute wait on C, before I ask for your order...") was so absurd that it's hilarious.

    By Blogger Vent, at August 06, 2007 11:14 AM  

  • Soooooooaaaarummmmm. They didn't notice they were running low on chicken.

    By Blogger Unknown, at August 06, 2007 1:04 PM  

  • Either that, Nic, or they just figured (as JMW alluded to) they were due for a run on collard greens and puddin'!!!

    By Blogger Vent, at August 06, 2007 1:35 PM  

  • This is why they work at KFC!

    By Blogger Unknown, at August 06, 2007 2:32 PM  

  • I guess they had all the time you needed to be able to tell you they were out! That was too funny. I've had the same experience, except it was in a black neighborhood, it was surrounded by churches and it happned to be a Church's Chicken restaurant. Ever wonder how fast black folk can LOSE their religion?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 07, 2007 10:44 AM  

  • Key economical indicators in the black community, sojourner: When the McDonald's, Liquor Store, or barnyard pimp (chicken) place closes you know it's time to relocate.

    By Blogger Vent, at August 07, 2007 11:50 AM  

  • OMG, this happens all the time at the KFC in my area in Atlanta. So much so, I don't even go anymore; convinced they are just a drug front.

    By Blogger jbrotherlove, at August 16, 2007 2:13 PM  

  • LOL! This blog is great! I can't figure out who you are though and it's killing me!!!!

    By Blogger Monie, at August 17, 2007 3:59 PM  

  • See I'm GLAD I don't eat no fake chicken.. i mean KFC LOL

    actually not much fast food..

    By Blogger BK, at August 29, 2007 2:48 PM  

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